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Your weight management clinic

If considering setting up a weight management service in your community pharmacy, there are several things to consider including: 

  • Suitability of consultation room. Consider the needs of customers you would expect would use this service.
  • Appropriate seating, specifically for the customer, e.g. a chair with no arms.
  • Equipment fit for purpose, e.g. appropriate weighing scales, and blood pressure monitor which is available on Numarknet Numark Electronic blood pressure monitor (6792543)

  • Access to the most current literature on obesity, weight loss and treatment options.
  • Knowledge of local referral pathways for weight management.
  • Standard operating procedures should be available with the appropriate procedures and policies in place, including consent, record keeping, competency and training requirements.
  • Adequate staff training. Staff should have received adequate training in all areas relevant to weight loss consultations. Healthcare providers should also be competent in providing dietary and physical activity interventions.

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