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How Numark can support your weight management clinic

Numark has developed a number of resources to support you to set up a weight management clinic:

Visit our weight management hub page which can support you to set up the service in your pharmacy, containing free guides, resources, marketing materials, an SOP, and training materials to upskill your team.

PGD’s : Working with our partners at Pharmadoctor we are able to offer:

    • Weight Management £549 eTool  (excluding Numark member 10% discount) which includes:
      • Mysimba, Xenical (Orlistat), Saxenda and Wegovy PGDs. Mounjaro PGD 
      • Training module.
      • Consultation guidance and record keeping software.

Numark members benefit from a 10% discount on the standard cost of PGDs - to activate this discount register with PharmaDoctor as a Numark member.

Other relevant training :

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