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How to support customers with weight management

Support, especially through the habit-forming stage is key to success.

  • In the early stages, weekly contact will help customers stay focused,
  • Followed by a monthly check-in once their new habits have been formed.

Encourage keeping a food diary and activity log that can be reviewed at regular intervals.

There are many online calorie counters, including apps to help count calories and keep an accurate food and exercise diary are available. A great example is the NHS weight loss and calorie counter available for free.

Counting calories:

  • Most food packaging lists the amount of calories in a particular food.
  • The NHS weight loss and calorie counter has details of over 150,000 foods to make counting calories easier.

Useful resources to help customers support lifestyle changes include:

  • Information on eating well can be found on the Eat Well part of the NHS website.
  • Information on exercise can be found on the Exercise part of the NHS website.

A good starting point is the 12-week NHS weight loss plan found at NHS weight loss and calorie counter. Use in conjunction with the NHS Aerobic exercises plan which incorporates the popular Couch to 5k exercise regime.  

Weight loss with the use of a pharmacological intervention, will only be achieved successfully if supported by a reduced calorie diet and increase in physical activity. Weight loss support groups such as Weight Watchers and Slimming World may also help customers on their journey for a subscription fee.

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