The pharmacist and prescriber jointly share accountability for supplying a Special to a patient and are both liable should any harm occur. The pharmacist must demonstrate due diligence in considering patient safety and take steps to ensure:
- A clinical need exists.
- Relevant issues with regard to quality, safety and efficacy are considered.
- The patient or carer is involved in any decision.
- A treatment option is chosen in the best interests of the patient.
- Procurement of a Special is from a reliable source:
- E.g. Prepared under a Manufacturer's Specials licence.
- The product is of appropriate quality:
- E.g. Comes with a Certificate of Analysis.
- The product meets the clinical needs of the patient.
- Repeat supplies are sourced from the same manufacturer for consistency.
- Relevant records are kept, including:
- MHRA record requirements.
- Records of the treatment option decision making process.
- On-going treatment is regularly reviewed.