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Risk Assessment

It’s important for travellers to consider completing a full travel risk assessment, of their intended journey. Each traveller’s risks are different and assessments need be tailored to suit their needs taking into account things such as:-

  • Destination
  • Dates of travel
  • Length of stay
  • Accommodation
  • Medical history and previous vaccination

The assessment will help identify required or recommended vaccinations and antimalarials.

But providing a full travel risk assessment isn’t just about vaccines as it should also include (if applicable) advice on: 

  • Bite prevention
  • Sun protection
  • Safe sex
  • Drinking water
  • Standby treatments i.e., traveller's diarrhoea and period delay
  • Travel insurance

When providing travel heath advice, it’s important to have knowledge of travel diseases and immunisations, risks associated with specific destinations, and the implications of travelling with underlying conditions. You need to be able to discuss the risks clearly with travellers to help them make an informed decision on what’s right for them.

For more information on the contents of and completing a risk assessment complete the Pharmacy Excellence – Travel Risk Assessment Module or training module.

There is also are very useful, and free downloadable  Numarknet Risk Assessment and

Travel Health Pro Risk Assessment templates.