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Food water and personal hygiene

Food and Water

One of the beauties of travelling abroad means you can try the different types of food, whether that is in a restaurant or street food, it’s important to check it’s freshly prepared and served piping hot, especially where meat is concerned.


When Staying at a 5* star hotel, the customer is actually paying for the facilities, not the food!

The NHS Scotland Fit for Travel website has lots of useful information with regards to resources available plus food and water precautions before, during and, after travel.

Staff working at hotels work long hours in developing countries; therefore; there is no guarantee that they have had the time to wash their hands prior to preparing and then handling food. Here are some additional tips you can advise to your customers on food, water, and personal hygiene:

  • Wash your hands before and after eating food, including going to the toilet. Carry antibacterial gel/wipes when it’s difficult to wash – signpost to your product range.
  • Before purchasing bottled water, check the seal is intact. If in doubt, it’s safer to drink carbonated water or other flavoured drinks.
  • Pay attention to dental care, carry a toothbrush holder to avoid the spread of disease.
  • Drink plenty of fluids if you get diarrhoea. As part a first-aid kit, signpost to your product range for loperamide hydrochloride to stop diarrhoea and rehydration treatment and do not be hesitant to link sell. 


Numark’s Own Brand is available via our eShop for example:

Hand Gel 

Various First Aid Kits 

Personal Hygiene

There are the obvious personal hygiene rules which should always be followed such as:

  • Cleaning your body every day.
  • Washing your hands with soap and water after going to the toilet.
  • Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day.
  • Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your sleeve) when sneezing or coughing.
  • Washing your hands after handling pets and other animals.

However, when a customer is on holiday (especially overseas in higher risk warmer climates) there are extra precautions that should be recommended to your customers including: 

  • Avoid touching the face as much as possible.
  • Keep nails clean and short.
  • Shower regularly.
  • Brush teeth frequently and use bottled water if the tap water cannot be guaranteed.
  • Use an antibacterial mouth wash.
  • Keep hydrated.

Other useful top tips

  • Keep surfaces in your hotel room as clean as possible (it may not be done properly by the chamber maid, and they may not be practicing quality infection control).
  • Avoid unnecessary contact in communal areas such as toilet door handls and coffee machines. Even food tongs at the buffet, although essential, can be a way of transmitting micro-organisms. 
  • Don't take a used plate back to the buffet but change it each time.
  • Avoid overcrowded communal areas especially swimming pools, hot tubs, etc. Ensure they are also sanitised regularly.
  • Quality hotels / cruise ships will usually have a cleaning schedule so check it. It's not a guarantee of work done but a useful guide.