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A sore throat describes the symptom of the pain at the back of the mouth caused by the inflammation of the pharynx, tonsils or nasopharynx. An acute sore throat is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection and in primary care is not usually life-threatening and include conditions such as common cold, influenza, streptococcal infection and glandular fever. Sore throats can also be caused by physical irritation from things such as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, chronic cigarette smoke or hayfever.

They are most common in people aged 5 to 24 years5, with the majority being caused by viral infections and therefore not responsive to treatment with antibiotics.

Percentage of sore throats caused by a viral infectrion: 

  • Adults: 85-95%
  • Children: 70-85% 

Bacterial infections are more common in winter and early spring, with the most common cause being the Group A Streptococcus bacteria

An acute sore throat due to a viral or bacterial infection is usually self-limiting, with symptoms resolving for 85% of people within 7days 6. . Advice on the managment of symptomatic relief for pain and fever can be offered.

Test and Treat Service 

The presence of the following clinical signs suggest the chance of a customer having a streptococcus A bacterial throat infection and the supply of an antibiotic may be appropraite. 

1. Fever
2. Absence of cough
3. Tonsillar exudate
4. Tender anterior cervical lymph nodes 

Rather than referring customer back to their GP when a bacterial infection is suspected, consider offering a 'Test and Treat' service. 

Working with Pharmadoctor you can easily access the Strep A Diagnostic test kit and the Sore Throat PGD. 

Numark has also developed a range of resources to support you to set up the service and a training video on how to take a throat swab. Click here to view the Collecting a Throat Swab module.

More information on all the resources available from Numark and how to order a private PGD and diagnostic test kits go the the Sore Throat ' Test & Treat' hub page on Numarknet