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module menu icon Flu Test and Treat Service

The flu vaccination is the best defence for an individual against catching flu and also helping to protect family and friends, through herd immunity, so it is important to encourage eligibility patients to have their vaccination annually .

But the effectiveness of the flu vaccination varies annually and is difficult to predict as the prevalent strains circulating annually can change during the season. Over the 2017/18 vaccination season the effectiveness across all age groups was estimated to be 15%7

So people may still catch flu even after have a flu vaccination. 

Antivirals such as oseltamivir (Tamiflu) reduces the replication of Influenza A and B viruses by inhibiting the viral neuraminidase, helping to reduce the symptoms by 1 to 1.5days 

Working with Pharmadoctor you can access a Tamiflu private PGD, to offer to customers who have concerns they have contracted flu or to enhance their protection alongside the vaccination. 

Test and Treat Service 

On confirmation of a positive result from a suitable diagnostic test kit, the PGD provides authorisation for supply of the antiviral treatment (if appropriate). 

Working with Pharmadoctor you can easily access the a diagnostic test kit and the Tamiflu PGD.

The PGD also supports the prophylactic supply under the following circumstances 

  • Post-exposure prevention within 2 days of exposure to an infected individual 
  • Prevention of influenza during a community outbreak for up to 6 weeks 

More information on the PGD and diagnostic kits available and how to order them are available on Numarknet: Test and Treat Services