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Conflict resolution between team members

Step one

Try to help individuals resolve the conflict with each other. This may involve some coaching first or involve listening to each side independently so they can sort their thoughts. Being able to resolve conflict with each other helps individuals learn how to confront each other and work together for a solution.

Step two

If this doesn’t work, there may be a need to intercede. Bring the two people together and be clear on what the goal is and the expected outcome. It can sometimes take more than one meeting to resolve conflict fully.

Tips to manage team conflict

  • Address conflict as soon as possible when it arises.  Don’t sweep it under the carpet in the hopes that it will go away as this just creates resentment among colleagues.
  • Focus on what can be done and not what can’t be done as this keeps things positive.
  • Be clear on what is expected of the team.
  • Remain neutral at all times and express feelings in a way that does not blame individuals.
  • Work on the outcome and not who is right or wrong or allocating blame.
  • Separate facts from emotions.
  • Separate history from hearsay.
  • Separate the people from the problems.
  • Help the two sides respect each other.
  • Keep in mind the different communication styles of various team members and how this might be contributing to the conflict at hand.

You will more than likely experience conflict in a team at some point, but handled correctly will ensure that it can be positive and not impact negatively.

Use your powers of observation and do everything you can to minimise potential conflict and react quickly to issues as they arise.