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In this module we have looked at the different aspects of managing poor performance in your pharmacy and having the courage to deal with those difficult conversations. You should now feel more confident in dealing with poor performance and knowing what processes to follow.

In this module we have covered:-

  • Address poor performance and challenging behaviour as early as possible
  • Use the EEC approach to structure your courageous conversation
  • Be aware of potential distraction techniques and know how to deal with them
  • Address issues of conflict in the workplace

Next Steps

We want you to put what you have learnt into practice in your pharmacy so that poor performance is addressed and managed.

Try identifying issues that you have avoided dealing with and use the EEC framework to prepare for the conversation and consider how they may react and how you will deal with that reaction.

You could also identify an issue of conflict within the team, and plan a meeting to discuss the issues following the conflict resolution steps.

You can download this sheet to record your commitments which can be kept with your training records or CPD evidence.

Further Reading

If you are interested in doing any further reading around performance management please see a list of resources below.

ACAS. (2014) How to manage performance. Advisory booklet. London: Acas

ARMSTRONG, M. (2014) Armstrong's handbook of performance management: an evidence-based guide to delivering high performance. 5th ed. London: Kogan Page. 

HUTCHINSON, S. (2013) Performance management: theory and practice. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. 

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