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Why should we encourage change?

Change is inevitable in every area of work and personal life! If we didn't change how could we improve?

Businesses that thrive are the ones that look for new ways to solve problems or work more effectively.

Sometimes even the small changes we put in place can make a big difference. It is about always looking at what is the business case for making that change and the benefits it will bring.

Although change is very often uncomfortable, pushing ourselves and the team through this can very often result in a better outcome overall.

There have been many case studys of organisations that have required change and we will take a look at three prominent ones.

Woolworths Case Study

Woolworths was considered a strong well-known brand, but it failed to evolve. A large part of its offering was CD's, DVD's, books and entertainment products, but they were unable to compete with online companies or supermarkets who offered low prices. In the end it was trying to sell a bit of everything and compete with everyone; it didn't fall into the budget end of the market or the profitable end. It didn't react to change and its offering.

Blockbuster Case Study

Renting the latest video/DVD from Blockbuster was a weekend tradition for a lot of families. Then Netflix happened - they were one of the first to send videos straight to your home without due dates or late fees. Blockbusters were unconcerned and even had the chance to buy Netflix for £50 million in 2000. In 2004 Netflix offered an online watching option by which time Blockbuster had not reacted quick enough and finally went into administration in 2010.

Marks and Spencers

Success of Marks and Spencer is reacting to change. They diversified their offering during difficult times to increase the types of customers who shop there and the market share, this has worked effectively for them.