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Why do Organisations need to change?

There are many reasons why organisations may need or want to change. We can usually break these down into external factors or internal factors.

External factors

Political e.g. Employment Laws, political issues, laws and policy changes

Economic e.g. economic downturns or growth, changing interest rates

Social e.g. Population growth rate, age distribution, cultural norms

Technological e.g. Advances in technology, advancements of social media

Environmental e.g. environmental legislation, changes recycling processes

Legislative - changes to legislation such as employment, imports and exports

Internal factors

Growth e.g. Company growth, acquisitions/mergers

Strategy e.g. The company direction/goals/focus

Competition e.g. New emerging brands

New skills e.g. New equipment or software, new processes/procedures

Customer Needs e.g. change in how they spend/products they want to see