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Managing People's Reaction to Change

Good communication and effective involvement are powerful ways of influencing people. But which people? It is important to identify during the change who in your team falls into which category.



Managing change is difficult to do alone. Identifying the likely enthusiasts and getting them on side is the first step. Ask yourself the following questions to determine who the enthusiasts are in your business.

  • Which individuals possibly stand to gain the most from this change?
  • What possible concerns may they have?
  • What possible training are they likely to need?


When managing change you need permission to do certain things, you need resources, money, time, equipment etc. These are your gatekeepers as they have sufficient authority. You will need to consider the following questions to ensure we get the gatekeepers on board with the change.

  • Who do I have to convince?
  • How do I keep them happy?


In most cases those who resist change are not stupid or malicious. Their reasons for doing so are perfectly logical, at least from where they stand. Considering the following questions will help to understand who the resisters feel and how we can overcome their concerns.

  • Why are they resistant?
  • What could I do to get their buy in?
  • How could I involve them?