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Manage Organisational Factors

Communication is critical at every stage of the transition and people who are kept in the dark will be more resistant to the change.

The below diagram demonstrates organisational factors that need consideration during the change process.

Clarity of Future Direction

Your team need to know what the overall vision of the change is and they need to be involved with those decisions. They need to receive consistent optimistic messages and understand the best aspects of the past and what will remain the same to help with the endings. They also need to have the benefits of change balanced with reassurance about familiar ways of working.

Your Commitment to Change

The spotlight will be on you as the faciliator of the change so you will need to be a role model to your team.

Individuals Perception of the Planning and Implementation

You will need to give people the confidence that planning has taken place and where possible involve your team. The more involvement people have, the more control they feel they have and this can ease the transition. By involving the team they may feel that the chance is not something done to them but rather with them.

Management Style and Skills

This is one of the most influential aspects of change. It is important to know how to manage the team and the right approach to take.