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The Transition Curve

People essentially go through a transition of change and it is the manager's job to guide people through the transition. When the initial change is announced, there is a period of initial shock, followed by denial. During denial their performance actually goes up as they do not believe the change will occur or choose to ignore it.

Then performance drops as they being to recognise that this change is taking place, before they are moved through transition to acceptance.


Surprisingly every change begins with an ending. People find endings difficult because they can be painful and this is why people first of all try to fight them and show resistance. It can often leave people in a state of confusion as to why things must change. Initial feelings of shock are often replaced by anger or sadness as there is a gradual realisation of the change.


After endings have been made, an individual's attitude towards the change is likely to be more negative than before the change took place. Transition requires moving from a familiar past to an unknown and uncertain future. People can often feel lost, confused, disorientated, depressed or unfocused here. Hence why performance and motivation can hit a low. Being in the transition stage can be a bit like crossing an unfamiliar street in the fog. It can be frightening and confusing but you must keep people moving. This stage cannot be skipped - it is about applying the right skills an understanding how people can be moved forward.


For every ending, there is a new beginning. It still might feel a bit uncomfortable and strange at first, but slowly the change becomes more comfortable and is accepted. Many companies start with the beginning rather than finishing with it, they pay no attention to the endings or acknowledge the existence of the transition. They then wonder why people find it difficult to accept change!

Top Tips to Remember!

  • The old has to end before the new is accepted
  • Individuals will react negatively before acceptance is reached
  • Some individuals remain in denial for longer than others
  • Exploration is a more gradual process which takes time
  • Timescale for individuals to go through stages will differ
  • It is pointless to expect people to accept change without them going through the transition process.