change management.JPG

Numark Leadership Programme - Change Management

This Numark leadership module will look at change managment. Completing this module will help you to explore the impact of change on an independent pharmacy business, its employees and customers and will identify and develop skills, techniques and best practices to manage change effectively.


This session will be about exploring the impact of change on an independent pharmacy business, its employees and customers and will identify and develop skills, techniques and best practices to manage change effectively.

Change can be uncomfortable and difficult as people like to stay within their comfort zones. Without good reasons, people find change a challenge and may find it hard to adapt.

By understanding how to manage change within your pharmacy you will understand how to support your team, their reactions and behaviours.

The consequences of not managing change effectively can have a detrimental and long lasting effect on the business. It is important to remember that everyone handles change differently, some respond to change positively and embrace it, whist others may feel more negative and take a different view on the change.


Goals of this Session

By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Explain the drivers for change
  • Recognise the diversity of change
  • Identify the impact of change on themselves, employees and the business
  • Explain the predictable stages of change and develop techniques to manage both themselves and the team through change
  • Be able to explain the critical success factors to manage change effectively

This module is suitable for pharmacists, pharmacy managers or anyone who is leading a team.


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