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What should you do?

If you have any concerns about the possible abuse of a child or vulnerable adult you must discuss this with your pharmacist. He or she may then decide that they need to seek further advice from the local safeguarding board, and where appropriate make a referral of suspected abuse. If the child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger it may be necessary or appropriate to contact the police. Where appropriate the pharmacist or technician may need to seek the consent of the vulnerable adult to make a referral.

Remember - any concerns should always be treated as confidential and not discussed openly in the pharmacy.

If you suspect abuse of any form it is important to remember that it is not your role to investigate or ask questions you should simply listen and observe, then record what you have seen or been told.

Asking leading questions may affect a subsequent police investigation. Any concerns should always be recorded according to your pharmacy’s safeguarding policy.

Each local authority area is required to have a Child Safeguarding Board and a Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Board. In each safeguarding board there will be a designated nurse and doctor with responsibility for safeguarding. These designated healthcare professionals are useful sources of advice and support when considering the appropriate course of action for safeguarding issues. Even small, seemingly trivial observations, when collated with similar observations, may reveal a problem that requires investigation or other action by the local safeguarding board. Information is collated by the safeguarding teams from healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and hospital staff. In addition information from non-healthcare professionals who come into contact with children and vulnerable adults as part of their job such as social workers, teachers, nursery workers, child minders and also concerns from members of the public will be collated.

Ask your pharmacist to show you your pharmacy’s safeguarding policy and where the contact details for the local safeguarding boards are located.

It is important to remember that if you suspect a child or vulnerable adult is being abused that doing nothing is not an option.