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What should you not do?

Although is a lot you should do with safeguarding there are also things you should not do which could potentially make the situation worse or even harbour a potential criminal investigation.

The list of don'ts is not exclusive but examples could include.

  • Don’t place yourself or anyone else in danger
  • Don’t be judgemental
  • Don’t make promises you cannot keep
  • Don’t ask detailed or probing questions
  • Don’t interfere with, or contaminate potential evidence following physical or sexual assault, for example, by washing, sheet changing, teeth cleaning etc
  • Don’t discuss the incident with anyone else except your line manager/supervisor
  • Don’t question witnesses except to obtain basic information
  • Don’t leave detailed confidential information on answer machines
  • Don’t, in any circumstances, discuss the issue with the person alleged to have cause harm
  • Don’t attempt to influence or intimidate potential witnesses
  • Don’t conduct your own enquiry or investigation