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Adults Physical abuse

This abuse type is where the victim is hit, slapped, pushed, kicked, or inappropriately restrained. Physical abuse can also include the inappropriate use of medication such as the use of sedatives to overcome aggression or disturbed behaviour in a dementia patient. Rememebr it may not always be deliberate e.g., grabbing someones arm and causing bruising.

Signs of physical abuse could include:

  • Injuries that are unusual or unexplained.
  • Bite marks.
  • Scalds.
  • Fingertip bruising.
  • Fractures.
  • Repeated injuries.
  • Bruising on the arms could indicate the person has been lifted without the use of a hoist.
  • The victim appearing fearful or withdrawn especially when near the carer.
  • The victim being scared of being left alone, or left alone with the carer.
  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)