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Adults Neglect

This form of abuse occurs because of “acts of omission” where the victim suffers because the abuser doesn’t do something. This could involve neglecting their medical, physical or emotional needs, withholding food, drink, medication, heating, shelter, or not providing or allowing access to appropriate carers.

Signs of neglect could include:

  • Poor personal hygiene including being physically dirty, wearing dirty or unclean clothes, smelling or looking unkempt.
  • Untreated dental decay.
  • Inappropriate or inadequate clothing for the weather conditions.
  • Appearing hungry, malnourished or dehydrated.
  • Poor skin condition.
  • Failing to provide adequate care for an incontinent adult.
  • Suffering from recurrent infections or infestations.
  • Pressure sores as a result of the patient not being turned or the use of an inappropriate mattress.
  • Being isolated because they are not helped to go out or are left alone a lot.
  • Dementia patients demonstrating more challenging behaviour such as aggression or anxiety.