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Depression is a low mood that effects your everyday life and lasts for long periods of time.

It can range from being mild, with sufferers experiencing low spirits and has little impact on leading a normal life to more severe cases where it can lead to sufferers feeling suicidal.

Depression can be triggered by certain life events or circumstances, genetics or medical conditions or physical illness such as:-

  • Bereavement
  • Divorce
  • Abuse
  • Unemployment
  • Social isolation
  • Lack of support network
  • Chronic physical health problems
  • Family history of depression

Some common signs and symptoms of depression include:-

How Patients Might Feel How Patients Might Behave
Down, upset or tearful Avoiding social events and activities usually enjoyed
Restless, agitated or irritable Self-harming and suicidal behaviour
Guilty, worthless and down on themselves Difficulty speaking, thinking clearly or making decisions
Empty and numb Losing interest in sex
Isolated and unable to relate to other people Difficulty remembering or concentrating on things
Finding no pleasure in life or things previously enjoyed Using more tobacco, alcohol or other drugs than usual
A sense of unreality Difficulty sleeping, or sleeping too much and feeling tired all the time
No self-confidence or self-esteem Moving very slowly or being restless or agitated
Hopeless and despairing No appetite and losing weight, or eating too much and gaining weight
Suicidal Physical aches and pains with no obvious physical cause

If you would like to read further about depression you can click here: MIND Depression