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Eating Disorders

An eating disorder is classed as any relationship with food that you find difficult. It is normal to experience changes to eating habits now and again but at a point when food is taking over a persons life then it may become a problem.

Eating disorders can affect anyone regardless of age, gender or weight and they can have serious health consequences.

Two of the most common eating disorders are anorexia and bulimia.

Anorexia is described as:-

  • Excessive worrying about weight
  • Restricting calorie intake
  • Excessive exercise

Bulimia is described as:-

  • Excessive eating
  • Purging or fasting afterwards
Physical Symptoms Psychological Symptoms
Feeling tired or weak Sleep disturbance
Stomach cramps Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
Constipation Feeling low
Irregular periods Losing interest in activities and people
Liver damage  
Tooth decay through vomiting regularly  

If you would like to find out more about eating disorders please click here: Mind eating disorders.