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Dry Skin - occurs when the balance of water, fats and oils of the skin is disturbed

In the table below, you will see the triggers which occur with dry skin. Some of the treatment options can be offered via brief advice; alternatively you can signpost to products stocked in pharmacy.

Atopic eczema - inflammatory skin condition that causes skin to become inflamed, red, dry, cracked and unbearably itchy.

There are a number of factors which may trigger eczema symptoms. Common triggers include:

  • Irritants – such as soap and detergents, including shampoo and washing powder
  • Environmental factors or allergens – extreme weather conditions and more specific factors such as house dust mites, pet fur, pollen and moulds
  • Food allergies - mostly related to cow’s milk and eggs
  • Infections with bacteria or viruses – this may require specific treatment
  • Wool or synthetic clothing – wear loose fitting clothes made from fine materials such as cotton to avoid sweating as this can cause a flare up
  • Teething in babies
  • Tree/grass/weed pollens