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Emollients are the main remedy for managing eczema and there is a range available over the counter and on prescription. Emollients have one thing in common - they all contain oil. Emollients work by locking in moisture and oil to help keep the skin moist. The choice of emollient is often down to personal preference and customers may need to try several different ones to find one that suits.

To view the different types of emollients, download the fact sheet from the National Eczema Society.

There are no hard and fast rules on which emollient to use, it will depend on a number of factors such as how dry the skin is, the area of the body affected and personal preference.

Here are a few tips you can provide to help a customer decide the best emollient fo

r them:

  • Lotions or creams are suitable for mild dryness and infrequent flare ups.
  • Thick creams and ointments should be recommended for moderate to severe sy
    mptoms or for use at night.
  • Creams are less messy than ointments but need more frequent applications.
  • Lotions are best suited to areas of the body that are hairy or for treating large a
  • Pump dispensers are recommended as they minimise the risk of bacterial contamination.
  • Use a product containing emollient oil when bathing or showering as it helps to build a base oil layer.
  • Avoid rubbing skin when drying, and pat dry instead as this may irritate the skin, then apply the emollient.

Tips on Applying Emollients

Whilst it might seem straightforward, pharmacy teams can play a key role in supporting and educating their customers on applying emollients.

Here are a few tips you could use in your conversations:

  • Apply with clean hands and after bathing as water is still trapped in the skin
  • Gently rub the emollient in the direction of hair growth to minimise the risk of irritating the hair follicles
  • Apply routinely every day, not just when they have symptoms, as they are less likely to experience flare ups
  • Apply liberally and frequently, at least three times a day
  • In order to ensure they are applying frequently, you can recommend they keep one product at home and one at work/ school.