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module menu icon Contact dermatitis (eczema)

What it is: Contact dermatitis is another form of eczema, being an inflammation caused by direct skin contact with substances that either irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction as outlined below:

Irritant contact dermatitis: When the skin is in contact with irritating substances such as detergents, it can actually affect the surface of the skin, stripping the natural oils. Contact dermatitis can develop if the skin is in regular or prolonged contact with irritating substances. People working with water (e.g. hairdressers) may go on to develop hand dermatitis, although anyone handling irritating substances may develop this condition.

Allergic contact dermatitis: Occurs when the skin develops an allergy to a chemical or substance e.g. metals such as nickel, rubber and chemicals in hair dye, perfumes and preservatives in creams and cosmetics.

Symptoms: The most common symptom is itchy skin which can become intense making skin red and more likely to develop small blister or painful cracks.

Causes: Those living with eczema, asthma and hayfever and are most likely to develop irritant contact dermatitis more frequently than those without these conditions. It runs in families.

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