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What it is: A scaly rash that usually appears in areas where there is a large number of grease. It appears as faintly red areas of inflamed skin with a greasy looking white/yellow scale on the surface. In infants, this skin condition is known as ‘cradle cap’ – you can read further here

Symptoms: Often affects the face, scalp and chest. Other areas of the body affected including skin folds such as the arpits, groin are and in and around the ears. 

Causes: It may be caused by a yeast (fungus) contained in the oil produced by the skin. Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious, nor is there a link with diet but it can get worse due to illness, stress, tiredness, change of season or deterioration of health. It affects around 1-3% of the adult population and is believed that men are more likely to be affected than women.

Click here to read further on seborrheic dermatitis