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Blepharitis and eye hygiene products
In Tariff Tips
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Q. Are there any products allowed on prescription for eye care and hygiene?
A. Yes, there are a number of products designed to maintain hygiene of the eyes that are available on prescription.
The following products are not CE marked, they are classed as cosmetics and so do not need to be listed in the drug tariff. The products are not blacklisted and so will be reimbursed on an NHS prescription.
Blephagel eye gel is a carbomer-based gel used to maintain the daily hygiene of sensitive eyelids. It is also suitable for cleaning of desquamated and soiled edges of the eyes such as in blepharitis. It is suitable for contact lens wearers and is available in a preservative-free formulation.
Lumicare Eyelid Wipes 20 Sachets. Lumicare is for the daily hygiene of eyes, which can be used for cleaning away the stickiness of eyelids. It is also preservative free, so ideal for sensitive eyes.
Supranettes Cleansing Wipes 20 Sachets. Supranettes hygiene eye pads clean round the eye lids and eye lashes, and they can remove the debris and impurities around the eye area. They are also suitable for using on babies around the eye area.
Numark Lid Care Wipes 20 Sachets. Twenty individual sachets that are sterile and preservative free which are refreshing for sensitive eyes
If you have any questions about this particular tip or any other drug tariff query you can call Information Services on 0800 783 5709.
Tariff Tip written by Sue Swift, UK Drug Tariff and Information Technician