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This article guides you through how to claim your pharmacy's listing on Google, so that your customers and patients can find all of the relevant information.
25 Jul 2018 , 2 Min Article
This CPD article aims to support pharmacists looking to provide a service to care homes.
16 Jul 2018 , 5 Min Article
This learning module for pharmacists and technicians reviews the causes and physiology of anaphylaxis with guidance on its recognition and appropriate management.
08 Nov 2017 , 7 Min Module
Kayleigh Rattray started to work at her local pharmacy at the tender age of 13. Six years on, she is an indispensable part of the team.
28 Sep 2017 , 2 Min Article
This Numark Leadership module will look at effective communication and feedback skills. Completing this module will help you recognise when employees aren't performing to the standards you have set and what action you can take to help improve their performance.
15 Aug 2017 , 900 Min Module
This Numark Leadership module will look at effective communication and feedback skills. Completing this module will help you to highlight the importance of a positive attitude and build your ability to apply solution focused thinking to solve their problems. It will also equip you with techniques to challenge assumptions and tap into creative resources to both enhance problem solving whilst generating new ideas.
This Numark Leadership module will look at effective communication and feedback skills. Completing this module will help you to proactively review your key objectives and identify techniques to strategically plan and prioritise your time to ensure all outcomes are achieved.
11 Aug 2017 , 900 Min Module
This Numark leadership module will look at effective communication and feedback skills. Completing this module will provide you with goal setting tools and techniques to help set direction within your business, align with the vision and values and successfully create SMART goals to achieve results.
09 Aug 2017 , 900 Min Module
This Numark leadership module will look at effective delegation. Completing this module will help you to recognise the benefits of effective delegation, overcome the associated barriers and follow an effective 10 step delegation process. It will also introduce empowerment to the business and how to take small steps to encourage an empowered team.
07 Aug 2017 , 900 Min Module
This Numark core leadership module will look at effective communication and feedback skills. Completing this module will give you an insight into the benefits of effective communication by challenging assumptions and seeing things from alternative viewpoints. It will provide you with models and tips for giving effective feedback to others
04 Aug 2017 , 900 Min Module
This Numark leadership module will look at change managment. Completing this module will help you to understand what coaching is, what skills a coach may need and how to apply coaching methods with your team will help to improve your pharmacy which, in turn can have an effect on customer service, and overall pharmacy performance.
03 Aug 2017 , 900 Min Module
This Numark leadership module will look at change managment. Completing this module will help you to explore the impact of change on an independent pharmacy business, its employees and customers and will identify and develop skills, techniques and best practices to manage change effectively.
03 Aug 2017 , 12 Min Module
This Counter Excellence module covers the ways in which sunlight affects the skin, and how to properly protect the skin in the sun.
01 Jul 2017 , 900 Min Module
Laura Reed shares tips for improving staff skills
14 Mar 2017 , 1 Min Article
John Whittam explains how to harness the power of Facebook to promote your pharmacy
23 Dec 2016 , 2 Min Article
Mandeep Mudhar shares tips for improving retail business
10 Oct 2016 , 2 Min Article