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NHS BSA forces two pharmacies to hand back £33k in hypertension fees

Exclusive: NHS investigation leads to large recovery of fees from two pharmacies

16 May 2024 , 1 Min Article


‘Real benefit’: NHS extends optician-to-pharmacy hypertension referral pilot

Optical practice referrals have helped divert patients from A&E, says local LPC.

26 Apr 2024 , 2 Min Article

Heart health

ICS works with digital start-up on pharmacist-led hypertension programme

Prescribing pharmacists to offer virtual consultations to help improve hypertension control

27 Feb 2024 , 1 Min Article

hypertension CPD.jpg
Heart health

Clinical review: Antihypertensive medication

We take a detailed look at the drugs in the different classes of antihypertensives.

12 Feb 2019 , 3 Min Article