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Asthma UK clarifies who is at high risk from Covid-19

Preventer inhaler plus preventer oral medication plus continuous oral steriods equals high risk.

31 Mar 2020 , 1 Min Article

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Coronavirus testing scheme open to pharmacy staff

Test will be free and available from drive-through locations.

29 Mar 2020 , 1 Min Article

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Exclusive: 77% of pharmacists report rise in abusive behaviour

A new survey reveals the extent of the worrying trend of abuse towards pharmacy teams.

29 Mar 2020 , 2 Min Article


Treating acid reflux and heartburn in the pharmacy

Understand how omeprazole 20mg works to treat heartburn and acid reflux symptoms

27 Mar 2020 , 2 Min Module

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COVID-19: CPPE launches return to practice course

CPPE launches a new e-course to help pharmacy professionals returning to practice in response to Covid-19.

27 Mar 2020 , 1 Min Article