Pharmacist Support ACTNow wellbeing campaign underway

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Pharmacist Support ACTNow wellbeing campaign underway

The 2024 Pharmacist Support ACTNow wellbeing campaign has started and over the next three weeks will be delving into the issues that pharmacists have said are important to them.

These include equality, diversity and inclusion, professional isolation and loneliness, and physical health.

The first ACTNow week is focusing on equality, diversity and inclusion. Pharmacists can join the conversation on social media using #ACTNow!

To mark the start of the campaign the charity has introduced a new podcast: “A Dose of Wellbeing!” with guest Uzo Ibechukwu, director of pharmacy at Royal United Hospital Bath and ICS chief pharmacist at Bath and North East Somerset ICB.

Described as “a true leader in championing workplace wellbeing”, he shares the defining moment that sparked his interest in truly supporting colleagues, and gives insights into how everyone can be advocates for better workplace practices.

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