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Fertility and Pregnancy

According to the website NHS trying for a baby  

It's impossible to say how long it takes to get pregnant because it's different for each woman. Many factors can affect a couple's chances of conceiving, such as:
  • Age
  • General health
  • Reproductive health
  • Frequency of sexual intercourse
Some women become pregnant quickly, while others take longer. This may be upsetting, but it's normal.


Most couples will get pregnant within a year if they have regular sex and don't use contraception. However women become less fertile as they get older. The effect of age on men's fertility is less clear.

What does 'regular sex' mean?

Having regular sex means having sex every 2 to 3 days throughout the month. Some couples may try to time having sex with when the woman ovulates (releases an egg). Experts advise to not worry about the timing of when they have sex if it makes them feel stressed.

Fertility problems

Lots of factors can cause fertility problems, including:

Some of these factors affect either women or men. The most common causes are ovulation failure (which can be caused by lots of different things in women) and sperm disorders in men. Read more detailed information about the causes of infertility here.

What can the community pharmacy do to assist women with their fertility?

Clearly one of the most effective ways to support women is for pharmacy staff to have a much greater awareness on fertility and fertility problems to be able to offer advice and signpost patients / customers to support and guidance.

The NHS planning a pregnancy website has lots of useful information on planning a pregnancy and pharmacy staff are advised to familiarise themselves with the contents.

There might also be the opportunity to sell specific products for example ovulation testing kits, pregnancy testing kits and specific thermometers for measuring basal body temperature. 

Ovulation tests are available from Numarknet in Packs of 5. Ovulation Test Kit 5s (4105771)

Early pregnacy tests are available from Numarknet in Packs of 2. Early Pregnancy 2s (4105755)

Rapid pregnancy detection tests are available from Numarknet in Packs of 2. Rapid Detection 2s (4105763) 

Numark also sells a variety of digital (and other types of thermometers) available here at the Thermometer  link.

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