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A number of high cost and high volume specials have now been listed in the Drug Tarff Part VIIIB along with a minimum quantity and corresponding price. Where a product is listed in part VIIIB the contractor will automatically be reimbursed the listed tariff price without further endorsement required. When supplying a product outside of part VIIIB the contractor must endorse the invoice price of the medicine less any discount received.

Endorsing prescriptions for tariff lines

Reimbursement is based on the list price of the minimum quantity. If the quantity on a prescription is more than the minimum order volume, reimbursement will be paid on the listed pack size plus the list price for every additional 1ml or 1g prescribed. Endorse the total quantity supplied over the listed pack size. If the quantity on the prescription is less than the minimum quantity reimbursement will be made at the full list price.

In addition to reimbursement of the tariff price, contractors are eligible for a fixed fee to cover the costs of procurement and supply. The fee is currently set at £20 and is claimed by adding the endorsement 'SP' to the prescription. The fee covers all out of pocket expenses incurred so a separate claim cannot be made against these items. Contractors should not include their claim for the £20 fixed fee in their FP34c declaration for out of pocket expenses. Also, Broken Bulk claims are not allowed for items in Part VIIIB (see below).

Endorsing prescriptions for non-tariff lines

Where a product has been sourced under a Manufacturer's Specials or Importer's licence issued by the MHRA and is not listed in Part VIIIB of the Drug Tariff, contractors should endorse:

  • Amount dispensed over pack size used.
  • Invoice price per pack size from which the order was supplied less any discount or rebate.
  • Manufacturers'/importers' MHRA licence number.
  • Batch number of the product supplied.
  • SP (for costs incurred in obtaining the item).

As contractors endorse the price after any discount is applied there is no need for the pharmacy to endorse 'DNG' on the prescription if no discount was obtained. Broken Bulk cannot be claimed on these items.

Certificate of Conformity/Analysis

For Specials not listed in Part VIIIB, the contractor must stamp, date, initial and endorse the Certificate of Analysis (CoA)/ Certificate of Conformity (CoC) with the actual price paid and the prescriber's details. At the end of each month, the contractor must send a copy of the CoA/CoC to the NHS England Area Team of the prescriber along with details of the prescriber. This allows the Area Team to match expenditure to the special supplied.

The Drug Tariff states that for imported unlicensed products not listed in Part VIIIB, and where a CoA/CoC is not available, the contractor must stamp, date, initial and endorse the invoice with the invoice price less discount (where not clearly detailed by the supplier) and the prescriber's details.

Endorsing prescriptions for medicines prepared under the Section 10 exemption

Where a product is not listed in Part VIIIB and is manufactured under the Section 10 exemption (whether in the pharmacy or by a third party), the contractor should endorse:

  • The names, quantities and cost of the ingredients used in preparing the product.
  • The code "ED" to claim for costs incurred in extemporaneous dispensing of a product
    - there is currently a set fee of £20.
  • Broken Bulk can be claimed on the ingredients used to make the product.

In England all prescription forms for unlicensed specials and imports should be separated from the rest of the bundle and placed in the red separator for submission to NHSBSA.