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Pre Travel Checklist

Shades?...sandals? Check! There is so much to think about before travelling abroad that sometimes the excitement will result in leaving travel health essentials until the very last minute. Whether it’s a short getaway or long haul, make sure your customers are well equipped to advise and support them to ensure they stay safe and healthy whilst being away.

Many health problems will occur due to ignorance, misadventure, accidents, and lack of immunity which could have been prevented with a little bit of planning such as:

  • Investigating the area your customer is travelling to and assessing the risks – you can signpost patients to the patient portal: Fit for Travel  and as healthcare professionals you can visit the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) website for further advice.
  • If they have pre-existing medical conditions, they need to find out the risks before travelling.
  • Seeking advice on which vaccinations will be needed before travelling – this information can be provided by the pharmacist or GP.
  • Arranging sufficient travel insurance – for peace of mind and protection. (Covered on the next slide)
  • Putting together a travel kit checklist to ensure they have everything they need to treat some of the common problems that affect travellers.
  • Ensure they take enough medication to cover, unplanned events which may happen whilst away, pre-existing medical conditions to cover the trip, and even possible delays.

Your community pharmacy is ideally situated to assist with these pre-travel arrangements and it is an ideal opportunity to provide quality counselling and increase financial revenue through link selling.