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Long haul travel

Flying or sailing to a distant destination can be difficult for some travellers, especially if it’s a long haul. Therefore promoting the following advice and link selling the advice to your product range can help your customers have a safe and hopefully pain free flight!

Top tips for your customers

  • Anti-sickness medication such as promethazine can help relieve travel sickness, nausea and potentially help sleep.
  • Try and stay mobile on the flight to minimise risks of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
  • Compression stockings can be purchased prior to flying to reduce the risk of DVT – following advice from a pharmacist or GP.
  • Loose fitting comfortable clothes will help.
  • Travel blankets and pillows can assist with sleep.
  • Take extra snacks.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and reducing the temptation to drink lots of caffeine and / or alcohol.
  • Choose the best seat within your price range.