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Vitamin D Deficiency

Adequate levels of Vitamin D are critical regulating the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. It is needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy along with a satisfactory immune function. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that the body needs for skeletal growth and bone health. The main natural source of vitamin D is from skin synthesis following exposure to sunlight. However, in the UK there is no ambient ultraviolet sunlight of the appropriate wavelength from mid-October to the beginning of April so the population has to rely on both body stores from exposure in the summer and dietary sources. Dietary sources are limited, oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel is the only significant source. Small amounts of vitamin D can also be obtained from egg yolks, red meat, fortified fat spreads (margarines), some fortified breakfast cereals and formula milks.

Because of this a Vitamin D deficiency is common.

There is a link 2SAN Vitamin D  to the 2San Vitamin D Deficiency Test (Case Only - Case Size 8) (6781595) available from Numark which patients can do at home. 

The Lateral Flow test which can be done in the pharmacy or by the customer / patient at home has many benefits including:

  • Showing if the results are normal or abnormal
  • A simple finger prick test taking just 10 minutes
  • No need to send results off to a laboratory