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Menopause Symptoms

The menopause is a natural part of aging that occurs between 45 and 55, when a woman's period comes to an end. Common symptoms include irregular periods, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, weight gain and low mood. During the menopause there is a sustained rise in Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) over many menstrual cycles. 

The FSH Rapid Test Midstream is a rapid test used for the qualitative detection of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in urine. It aids in the detection of menopause by measuring FSH levels. As your body ages and produces less estrogen, FSH levels increase to stimulate the ovaries. This test measures FSH levels in urine to determine if your body is producing excess FSH due to low estrogen levels, indicating the perimenopause stage.

Testing for FSH cannot diagnose the menopause, but when done correctly it can give you insight into your body and inform conversation with your pharmacist / doctor. 

2San advises taking this test during the first week of your cycle (day 1 being the first day of bleeding) and repeating the test over  multiple cycles to confirm the result.

There is a link 2SAN Menopause to the 2San Menopause (FSH) Test (Case Only - Case Size 8) (6781488) available from Numark which can be done in the pharmacy or by the customer / patient in the comfort of their own home. 

The urine stick test which can be done in the pharmacy or by the customer / patient at home has many benefits including:

  • Blood sample not needed
  • A simple urine sample test taking just 3 minutes to show results.
  • No need to send results off to a laboratory