The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped organ in the front of your neck. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) activates the thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormones, thyroxine, and triiodothyronine. These are essential for maintaining your body’s metabolism.
An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) is a common condition where your thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones in response to TSH, causing TSH levels to rise.
Common symptoms include tiredness, low mood, feeling cold regularly, weight gain, dry skin, brittle hair, and menstrual cycle irregularities in women.
Testing of TSH levels in the blood is the best initial test for hypothyroidism. A TSH level over 5μIU/ml indicates an underactive thyroid, which requires treatment by your healthcare provider.
There is a link 2SAN Hypothyroidism to the 2San Hypothryroidism (Underactive thyroid) Test (Case Only - Case Size 8) (6781579)
available from Numark which can be done in the pharmacy or patients can do at home.
The Lateral Flow test which can be done in the pharmacy or by the customer / patient at home has many benefits including:
- Showing if the TSH results are too high (indicating Hypothyroidism).
- A simple finger prick test taking just 10 minutes
- No need to send results off to a laboratory