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Advantages and Disadvantages of (POCT)

What are the advantages of POCT?

The main aim, and benefit, of POCT is to bring the test conveniently and immediately to the patient. This increases the likelihood that the results are received quicker, enabling to support the timely diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of patients.

  1. Point-of-care testing is faster than laboratory testing.

The capability to conduct tests and receive instant results near the patient is the main advantage of point-of-care testing. The test results only take a few minutes to obtain, making it significantly faster than laboratory testing.

  1. Point-of-care testing can be done anywhere and anytime.

Because of its portability, point-of-care testing can detect a wide variety of conditions in remote or resource-limited areas that do not have access to large laboratories in the city or even in the patient’s own home.

     3. Point-of-care testing can be performed by any healthcare practitioner or even patients. 

The latest point-of-care devices are now more compact and easier to use; even staff who are not expertly trained in clinical laboratory services can use them. Their simpler step procedures provide fast, lab-quality results without the need for large laboratory equipment. As technology develops and availability of rapid test kits increases, patients are doing their own testing. 

  1. Point-of-care testing is beneficial in prevention and early detection. 

Point-of-care can help alleviate the overcrowding in accident and emergency by reducing the time it takes to treat patients. It can also be used to focus on the prevention, early detection, and monitoring chronic conditions.

  1. Point-of-care testing is cheaper than laboratory testing. 

Point of care testing devices are  inexpensive compared to the usual diagnostic equipment used by laboratories.

  1. Home Test Kits offer patients a convenient alternative solution for self care

Home test kits offer a wider range of benefits for patients including early screening, affordability and Less embarrassment. Many tests e.g. stool and urine samples can be embarrassing for a patient so the opportunity to complete the test in their own home away from others may be a major plus point.

What are the disadvantages of POCT?

It is essential that POCT is undertaken correctly to ensure accurate and reliable results. Poor quality of analysis, poor record keeping, a lack of report interpretation, failure to detect abnormal results, unauthorised processing, and inappropriate testing are critical areas that directly affect patient results and care.

Result quality is often directly related to sample quality; a poor sample or incorrect analytical technique will yield poor results. For example, poor blood gas sample preparation and handling can often result in incorrect blood gas, pH, haemoglobin and potassium results as a consequence of room air contamination, settling of the cells and haemolysis, respectively.

Put simply, an incorrect test result can result in the wrong advice / treatment being given and potentially life threatening consequences.