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*Trumenba®  is also licenced in UK for Men B but not part of the immunisation schedule

Meningitis Vaccination Service in Community Pharmacy

The above table shows the vaccines available as part of the UK immunisation schedule but many people may still need to the vaccination due to: 

  • Missed out on the UK immunisation schedule.
  • Travelling to countries with high incidence of MenA, C, W or Y disease e.g. sub-Saharan Africa or Saudi Arabia.
  • Pilgrims travelling to Saudi Arabia for Hajj or Umrah, who are required to show proof of vaccination.
  • University students aged over 25yrs or overseas students.

Our partner PharmaDoctor offers PGDs for both Men B and Men ACWY to enable the delivery of a private vaccination service . For more information visit Pharmadoctor.