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Finasteride was originally developed for the management of prostate conditions such as benign prostate enlargement.

Part of the group of medicines - 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.

It reduces the production of DHT by blocking the conversion of Testosterone by the enzme 5-alpha reductase (5AR).

For Male Pattern Baldness the usual dose is 1mg, taken once a day. It needs to be taken for 3-6 months before any benefit is seen and the effects are reversed 6-12 months after treatment is discontinued.

Reducing the production of DHT in males with male pattern baldness enables:
1.The anagen phase of the hair growth cycle to lengthen.  
2.Reduces the miniaturisation of  hair follicles –  which if able to recover,  regrowth may occur

Finasteride is not suitable for males who:

  • Have had an allergic reaction to finasteride or any other medicines in the past
  • Have severe bladder problems
  • Have liver problems
  • Are trying for a baby or have a pregnant partner – this medicine passes into semen and can affect an unborn baby

Common 1 in 100 people

They usually improve after a while.

  • problems getting an erection and less interest in having sex.
  • problems with ejaculating, such as little or no semen.

Serious – Rare in less that 1 in 1000 people

May notice these after taking finasteride for a few months. Refer to GP if:

  • any lumps, pain or swelling in your chest area or discharge from your nipples – these may be signs of a serious condition such as breast cancer.
  • unusually low mood (depression) or thoughts of harming yourself.

Serious allergic reaction

  • In rare cases, finasteride may cause anaphylaxis.

Always refer to the product SPC for full details on contraindications and side effects