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Why is hirsutism a problem?

Facial hirsutism is excessive facial hair growth affecting women. It's relatively common, although some women may find it embarrassing or distressing to live with. This is turn can affect their quality of life.

There are a number of different treatment options women resort to in the attempt remove excessive hair, some more successful than others.

When conventional treatment options do not work, such as shaving and waxing, women may seek medical advice to help them with their symptoms.

This is where community pharmacy has a role to play in providing support and alternative medical treatment, such as Eflornithine 11.5% cream (Vaniqa) available on prescription.

Community pharmacy may have the opportunity to provide this service with supply being made via a PGD.

Obtaining this medication at the convenience of their local Pharmacy would be beneficial, less stressful and create confidence and customer loyalty for the pharmacy.