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Before vaccination check:

  • The product and dose are correct
  • The expiry date
  • Colour and composition of the vaccine matches the description in the products’s SPC
  • There are no contraindications
  • Patient is fully informed about the vaccines and has given consent
  • Patient is aware of possible adverse reactions

If the patient is receiving more than one injection in the same appointment, it should be given at separate sites and preferably in different limbs. If it has to be in the same limb, they should be given 2.5cm apart. Ensure to record the site of their injection.

After vaccination:

  • Record information of vaccine name, product name, batch number and expiry date
  • Record dose administered
  • Which limb used
  • Date of vaccination
  • Name and signature of the vaccinator
  • You could provide a vaccines record with details of vaccine received
  • Suggest to inform their GP so can be added to their medical records
  • If they have confirmed that they may faint – you could observe them a little longer after they have had their vaccine.