Antimicrobial resistance cannot be eradicated as this happens through mutations of the microorganisms DNA.
The goal of the UK 5 year AMR strategy (2013 to 2018), is to slow the development and spread of AMR by focusing on 3 aims:
- Improving knowledge and understanding of AMR
- Conserving and stewarding the effectiveness of existing treatments
- Stimulating the development of new antibiotics, diagnostics and novel therapies
The 3 aims being underpinned by 7 key areas of actions :
- Improve infection prevention and control practices
- Optimise prescribing practices
- Improve professional education, training and public engagement
- Develop new drugs, treatments and diagnostics
- Better access to and use of surveillance data
- Better identification and prioritisation of AMR research needed
- Strengthen international collaboration
The 2016 Annual Progress Report4 confirmed a decrease in the quantity of antibiotics used in both humans and animals BUT the level of infection rates have continued to increase.
It identified the promotion of messages to the public around prevention and basic hygiene, would help to reduce the levels of infection rates and support the efforts to tackle AMR4.