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Anaphylaxis, is a severe, life-threatening reaction to certain allergens. Body tissues may swell, including tissues in the throat. Anaphylactic shock is also characterized by a sudden drop in blood pressure.

This is a severe allergic reaction which is life threatening and requires urgent medical attention and treatment. Symptoms can occur within seconds or minutes and can get worse very quickly. Common causes of anaphylactic reactions include:

  • Certain foods such as peanuts or shellfish
  • Insect stings
  • Latex
  • Certain drugs such as penicillin
  • Vaccinations

Some people who are at high risk from anaphylaxis will carry adrenaline auto-injections. They will be aware of their triggers to prevent this occurring but sometimes they are unavoidable. 

For more detailed information on anaphylaxis and it’s management visit the clinical advice section on NumarkNet.

Additional information on anaphylaxis and symptoms can be found at Allergy UK.

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