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Common IT Security Risks

There are lots of risks to IT security, some are more common than others and with a little bit of knowledge we can reduce the impact these risks can have. These risks include:

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Device Security

Device Security

Including the position of the screen and who has access to devices, applications or software.

Weak Passwords

Weak or Insecure Passwords

Easy to guess passwords or passwords written in plain sight of the device may allow access to devices or information by unauthorised people.

External Devices

External Devices

USB sticks, external hard drives or devices being charged such as mobile phones can carry viruses, malicious software or compromised software.

Malicious Software

Malicious Software

Known as malware, including viruses, trojan horses, ransomware, spyware, adware, and scareware. They are designed to cause harm in various ways.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing Attacks

Malicious attempts to collect information, often coming in the form of emails.

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