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Creative thinking techniques – helping generate solutions

But what if you don’t know how to come up with the solutions?

It might be great to say let’s be solution focused, but perhaps you feel for some things you just don’t know how to generate new ideas or answers.

Creativity is a skill, like any skill it requires practice, like golf, running, presenting or delegating.  The more you practice the better you get.

Groove Thinking

Our minds are like computers.  We file information in our ‘filing cabinets’ based on what we already know.  When we do things in the same way all the time or tell ourselves the same messages we create ‘grooves in our mind’. 

These grooves can be useful as they can filter out information and save us time and effort.  On the flip side it means we might always do things in the same way and don’t look for new ways.

If we always try and tackle persistent problems in the same way, the groove gets deeper and deeper and harder to get out of to find new solutions.

The same thinking, leads to the same actions and hence the same results.  Only different thinking will result in a different outcome.