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module menu icon Creative Problem Solving in Action

There are many well known cases of creative thinking. Read through the below case studies to see how the everyday products we use have been produced!

Heinz Ketchup

Heinz struggled to solve the problem of their ketchup being too thick to come out of the bottle.  They decided to turn the ‘product fault’ to their advantage by saying that any ketchup that came out of the bottle quickly was an inferior product.


3m post-it notes

These were invented as a result of glue that failed to stick.  A scientist had actually been trying to develop a super-strong adhesive!   


Mars Bar

Mars bars came about when product developers were asked to produce a product at half the price of a chunky chocolate bar.  By filling the bar with toffee and caramel the cost was halved and the Mars bar was born – a very popular product!