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Leadership for Healthy Living Pharmacy
Challenges facing the NHS & pharmacy
Future for community pharmacy
History of HLP
What is a Healthy Living Pharmacy?
Introdution to leadership
The benefits of HLP status
Health Champions
HLP leadership
Action centered leadership
Action centred leadership – achieving the balance
8 Core Leadership Functions
Time management
Time management quadrant
What steals your time?
Time management tips
Barriers to delegation
What can/can't you delegate?
To Delegate or Not Activity
Skill vs. Will Matrix
SMART objectives
Other things to consider...
Short delegation process: PAT
When not to delegate
Developing your team
Your team
Managing change
The process of change
How change makes us feel
Key areas to consider during the transistion
Have passion for change!
Provide information
Keep the momentum going
What personality style are you?
The C's to Communication
Giving feedback
BOOST model
BOOST - scenario
Other feedback models
Tips for giving feedback
Decision making
Decision Making Styles
Steps to decision making
Communicating the decision
Managing conflict
Conflict handling styles
5 style of handling conflict
Conflict management approach
Tips for managing conflict
Building a strong team - summary
Supporting your health champion
Setting your vision
Action plan
Next steps
Numark support
Further support and advice
Test your knowledge
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What makes a great leader?
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