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module menu icon Taking Postive Action

To help create a culture of equality and diversity in the workplace it is recommended that organisations have a policy for managing equality and diversity. Larger organisations will be expected to have more policies about how to deal with equality and diversity. You can read more about this by clicking here.

Under the Equality Act, an employer can take what the law terms 'positive action' to help employees or job applicants it thinks:-

  • Are at a disadvantage because of a protected characteristic and/or
  • Are under-represented in the organisation, or whose participation in the organisation is disproportionately low, because of a protected characteristic and/or
  • Have specific needs connected to a protected characteristic

Making Reasonable Adjustments

An employer can treat employees who are disabled more favourably because of their disability in order to make "reasonable adjustments" . This could be something that ensures the employee can complete their job such as a change in working arrangements.